Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Late Post...

Hello again ladies,
So I tried to mess with my blog last week and changed somethings up. Can you all tell? Hehe. Well I also tried to set my posts to appear on certain dates and times and well that didn't work out so well as you can see, since this post was suppose to have appeared on my blog last week. So I am just going to manually post all week.
Ok, so here are some cards that I created for Munchkins' DTeam. Being part of the team has been great, I have meet alot of the team members like Mel who is over at DinoDucky Creations, Leona who doesn't have a site but is working on it, and Maribeth who is also working on getting a site. We have all been in and out of Munchkins lately picking up some incredible flowers that Cyn had brought back with her. Man are they gorgeous.

I will also have my class schedule up Thursday after I verify with Cyn if these dates are a go. Ok thanks for stopping by and please leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Like my heart says I luv comments.


Thank you for your comment, I love hearing from all you wonderful Ladies!! all the best, NSCG